August 12 Old Coots Meeting Minutes
Joe Zerby and Don Vander Horn called the meeting to order at approximately 10:45 AM
Joe informed the attendees of the current balance. We have approximately $1975 in our bank account and cash on hand. We also have $250 that was donated for the memorial stones for Dale Eis and Dale Bates. The stones are in the process of being ordered.
In the past, some of the money we raise has been used for balls, tee shirts, etc. We asked the attendees if they wanted to continue that practice. After a short discussion it was decided that we would not continue that practice. It was suggested that any extra funds should be contributed to the golf course in some fashion. Don suggested that we continue this effort at the season ending meeting after we have a better understanding of our yearly costs and what may be considered excess funds. Between now and then, the board will explore how we could accomplish this.
We discussed the ages that would determine the tee that golfers would used during league play. It was suggested that whites for those under 70, greens for over 70, and silver for over 80.
We described the changes we mage this year to help balance teams and get golfers to play with more of the members. There were many positive comments. During that discussion we told the golfers the problems we had in balancing the teams and suggested that modifying the scramble that we play may help.
We had a long discussion about modifying our scramble. Many of the attendees contributed and all comments were against any changes. There was no concern about an imbalance in winnings. Most comments were along the lines of this league is about fun not winnings.
A suggestion was made that we play the back nine some times. Some said 1 time a month, some said 2 times a month. We took a vote and it was tied. Don suggested that we play the back 9 once in September and twice in October. That compromise was agreeable with the attendees. Hole 14 was brought up concerning the tees that would be used. We will play the hole as par 5 with the yellow tees for the normal green tee players and the ladies tees used for the normal silver tee golfers.
The board informed the attendees that the season ending breakfast would be 9AM on November 4 and that the 2022 season kickoff breakfast would be on the last Thursday in March at 9AM.
The meeting was adjourned